It can be extremely difficult to beat a deer’s nose. Many hunters get busted by deer, even after making every attempt to manage their scent. It’s no wonder why hunter’s ask if showering is even necessary. Here are my thoughts as a hardcore bowhunter who has spent many years in the deer woods.
If a shower is available, deer hunters should wash their entire body with scent-free soap prior to going deer hunting. This won’t prevent deer from smelling human odor if they cross it’s scent stream, but it will make it easier for hunters to mask their scent with a cover scent. Also, showering removes strong odors on the body and hair such as deodorant, perfume/cologne, smoke, etc.
Click this link to read my article about how to manage your scent to see more deer.

When is it ok to not shower for deer hunting?
I must admit, I don’t shower before every hunt. However, I usually have one of the following reasons for skipping a shower:
1. When there is no shower available
I recommend using field wipes to clean and fight human odor whenever a shower isn’t available.
2. When hunting inside an enclosed blind
Hunting in a blind that is sealed up tightly to prevent airflow, works well to trap human scent inside. Hunters should still play the wind when hunting inside an enclosed blind because the windows need to be opened to shoot. If deer are downwind from the blind, it won’t take long for them to smell human odor even with only one window open.
3. When the wind and thermals are extremely unlikely to blow toward deer
Does the hunting location make it unlikely for the hunters scent to blow toward deer? I like hunting on field edges and pinch points that also have a wide open area where my wind and thermals travel to. A few examples of these open areas are lakes, grassy pastures, and wide open ag fields that have been harvested.
4. When there isn’t enough time
There are several scenarios when we don’t have enough time to shower before hunting. For example, many hunters leave work and head straight to their hunting spot before it gets dark outside. If there isn’t enough time to shower before going hunting, use field wipes.
How to shower before going hunting
Here are a few tips to consider when showering before a deer hunt:
- Don’t take too hot of a shower (avoid sweating after the shower)
- Turn exhaust fan on or leave the bathroom door open to prevent steam from building up (avoid sweating after the shower)
- Use scent-free body wash and/or a bar of scent-free soap
- Scrub the entire body with the washcloth (especially the groin and butt)
- Dry the entire body with a towel that’s been washed with scent-free laundry detergent
- Put on scent-free deodorant (avoid sweating after the shower)
Should you wear deodorant when hunting?
Yes, deer hunters should wear scent-free deodorant to manage sweat and cover up the smell of body odor. Deer hunters should also avoid wearing scented deodorants, colognes, and perfumes throughout the course of hunting season, regardless if they are hunting that day or not.