I have hunted in hundreds of different deer stand setups. The height of those stands ranged from 2ft to 35ft. A stand that’s 2ft off the ground may sound a little ridiculous, but as you read this article you will understand why I hunted so low to the ground. So, is 10 feet high enough for a deer stand?
Yes, 10 feet is high enough for a deer stand. However, the ideal height of a deer stand depends on the specific conditions of the stand site.
The most important considerations to keep in mind with any stand setup is access, wind direction, front and back cover, and then height. Click this link to learn 52 tips for hanging tree stands for deer hunting.

What is the minimum height for a deer stand?
Let’s first recognize why deer hunters use stands. We want to give ourselves the best odds of staying undetected by deer so that we can kill them. That means preventing a deer from seeing, hearing, or smelling us.
A deer stand can be 1ft off the ground if it’s being hunted with the correct wind and has sufficient front and back cover.
The best way to stay undetected by deer in a deer stand is by playing the wind. I would rather hunt deer from the ground with the correct wind than I would from a tall stand with the wrong wind. That’s how important the wind is. Keeping your scent stream from blowing towards deer is the best way to increase the odds of killing any deer, including mature bucks.
The next best way to stay undetected by deer is by hiding yourself and your movements in the stand. Wearing camo is a great start towards breaking up the outline of your body. However, having front cover and back cover is the best way to hide yourself from deer.
I always look for front and back cover when choosing the specific spot for my stand. I will hang my stands so that I have tree limbs, bushes, or anything else that I can hide myself with. If my only option for cover is 5ft off the ground, I will put my stand behind that cover.
If a stand location doesn’t have sufficient front or back cover anywhere, I will hang my stands 20 feet high or more. This increases the odds of staying hidden from a deer’s peripheral vision.
I rarely hunt from heights between 20 – 30 feet. I don’t want to hang my stands too high because of the shot-angles on deer. Hanging a stand high off the ground can result in one-lung hits or shooting deer in the spine. Deer can live a long time with one lung working, making the recovery and tracking process much more difficult.

What’s the best height for a deer stand?
I prefer a stand that is about 10-12 feet off the ground. This is assuming that I’m hunting on flat ground and I have sufficient front and back cover at that height. I’ve had a lot of success killing deer at this height without them noticing me.
The odds of shooting a deer through both lungs increases when hunting lower to the ground. The higher the stand, the steeper the shot angle which increases the odds of not hitting both lungs. A deer that is only shot through one lung can live for several hours, reducing the odds of finding the deer.
Hunting lower to the ground has other benefits as well. First off, it’s easier to climb into the stand. Sitting lower on the tree can also increase shooting accuracy if the hunter has a fear of heights or if hunting on a windy day. Lastly, hunting at lower elevations is safer and decreases the probability of severe injury or death if the hunter happens to fall to the ground.
Every stand site is unique. Some stands should be 2 feet off the ground, and some should be 30+ feet. Keep the deer from seeing you by wearing camo and positioning your stands in spots with good front and/or back cover. Always play the wind, ALWAYS!
Lastly, do not overlook your shot angle on deer. Ensure that can shoot deer through both lungs. If you’re questioning your shot angle, your stand is probably too high.