Deer hunting mentors can be extremely effective at helping people reach their hunting goals much faster than they could by themselves. I wish I knew this when I started deer hunting because I could have saved myself a lot of time, money, and frustrations while I was trying to achieve my goals. So, how do you find a deer hunting mentor?
If a friend or family member doesn’t fit the criteria of a good mentor, look for a deer hunting mentor online. A good mentor should be someone that is achieving the same level of success that the hunter want’s to achieve for themself.
When I started deer hunting, the level of success I wanted to achieve was to kill a giant buck. At the time I didn’t know any friends or family members that were killing giant bucks on a consistent basis. Even if I did have a person like that in my inner circle, most people aren’t willing to spend the time that it takes to explain everything. As a result, I ended up having to teach myself everything I could about deer hunting and hunting giant bucks.
There is a lot to learn as a new deer hunter. Depending on goal, it can take years for some hunters to reach a desired goal or level of success.
Since I didn’t have a deer hunting mentor, I became obsessed with learning everything I could about killing giant bucks. I read books, studied hunting videos, talked to other hunters, and spent a lot of time hunting different properties. All of this work and effort has helped me become the hunter that I am today.
Teaching myself about deer hunting and how to kill big bucks has helped me tag many trophies over the years. However, I took the slowest path to success. I would have been able to achieve my goals much faster if I would have had a good mentor. A mentor could have also helped me avoid some mistakes I made which were both frustrating and costly.

Why you need a deer hunting mentor
- To accelerate your learning curve
- To help reach your hunters goals
- To increase your odds of success
- To avoid mistakes
- To save time and money
These five reasons will lead to more enjoyable hunts and greater odds of success.
When to find a deer hunting mentor
The best time for someone to find a deer hunting mentor is when they realize they want to try deer hunting for the first time. The second best time is when the hunter understands the benefits of having a mentor and is willing to make the effort to find the help they need.
Many hunters think that they only need a mentor during the hunting season. However, the offseason is the best time to learn and prepare for the hunt. Seek advice during the off-season to truly take advantage of the benefits that come from mentorship.

Where to find a deer hunting mentor
The best mentors are found through friends, family, or a trusted online source.
Other places to look for mentorship is through state programs or hunt clubs. However, I recommend avoiding most hunt clubs and state programs if you’re looking for mentorship. The information that state programs and hunt clubs provide is usually very basic stuff. They usually only scratch the surface on what a deer hunter should actually know to be successful.
Mentors should be able teach hunters the specific things they need to know that will actually help them reach their individual goals. This is why family, friends, and trusted online sources are the best options when choosing a mentor or mentorship program.
Like I mentioned at the beginning of this article, a mentor should be someone that is achieving the same level of success that the hunter wants to achieve for themself. If you don’t have a friend or family member that fits that description, look for someone that you can trust online. Choose a mentor that is hunting deer with the same weapon you want to use.
There are a lot of pros to having a deer hunting mentor, and not many cons to speak of. The key is choosing the right mentor. Make sure they are more than just a deer hunter. They need to be achieving the same success you want to achieve.
I help people learn how to hunt deer with a compound bow so that they can go from being complete beginners to becoming highly successful bowhunters, kill big bucks consistently, put more meat in the freezer, experience more enjoyable hunts, and reach their full potential as deer hunters.
Click this link to learn how to become a highly successful deer hunter with a compound bow