Before going on your first deer hunt, it’s critical to know what the hunting rules and regulations are for the area where you’re hunting. These rules will help you understand some of the items that you need to have. So, here’s what you need for your first deer hunt.
You’re required to have a hunting license and maybe even deer tags depending on the state where you’re hunting. You’ll also need a weapon, ammo or arrows with broadheads, field-dressing equipment, and possibly blaze orange clothing and a flashlight.
Those are the bare essential items that you will need, however there are other items that you might want to make your hunt more successful and enjoyable. For example, quality hunting clothes and boots will keep your body dry and at a comfortable temperature. Clothing with a camo pattern help you stay hidden from deer better.
Also, you might want to consider using a treestand, ground blind, scent control products, and optics to further increase your odds of success. Click the link to see a full checklist of everything you might need for a deer hunt.
Supplies That You Need for Deer Hunting
1. Hunting License/Tags
Most states sell hunting licenses and tags online. However, you can pick these up in person at many outdoor stores also.
It’s important to protect your license and tags from getting damaged or lost. You can put them in a ziplock bag or put them in a plastic protector (see picture).
2. Bow or Gun
If you’re a gun hunter you might need supplemental items like a plug for your shotgun, speed loader for your muzzleloader, hearing protection, or a sling.
If you plan on hunting with a bow, you’ll probably want a release aid, range finder, or a cocking aid.
3. Arrows or Ammo
Choose ammo that’s made for the type of gun you’re hunting with and meets the legal requirements as defined by your states hunting rules and regulations. The same thing applies for arrows and broadheads.
4. Field Dressing Equipment

You will need a sharp knife to gut your deer with. Also, a butt-out tool and gut hook will help make the field-dressing process an easier and cleaner process.
There are several other gutting tools to consider buying. Click this link to see the field-dressing tools you will need, the tools you might need, and the tools you don’t need for gutting a deer.
5. Blaze Orange Clothing
Even if you’re not hunting with a gun, you could still be required to wear blaze orange. To be sure, read and understand your states hunting rules and regulations. Even if your state doesn’t require you to wear blaze orange, some public hunting areas or special hunting areas might require it.
6. Flashlight or Headlamp
Ever deer hunter needs a good light. You’ll use it to navigate back and forth from your hunting spots in the dark. If you’re on a tight budget, buy a headlamp before spending money on a regular flashlight. The headlamp will allow you to use both hands and still see what you’re doing as you gut a deer or climb a treestand in the dark.
The first deer hunt is an exciting one. Make sure you’re prepared with everything you need. If you’re on a budget, buy the essentials first and then build up your inventory over time.