My website is dedicated to whitetail deer hunters who want to kill deer on a regular basis, including big mature bucks. I teach deer hunters how to experience more enjoyable hunts and help them reach their full potential as hunters.
My passion runs deep for whitetail deer hunting, and it doesn’t stop there. I also have a passion for improving my hunting opportunities in the off-season because good luck happens to hunters that are prepared.
Anyone who knows me will tell you that deer hunting ranks high on my list of priorities in life. I’m doing something related to deer hunting all year long. I literally can’t stop learning about whitetails and how I can be a better hunter and land manager. I’m always chasing after that next big buck.
I didn’t come from a hunting family or get spoon-fed a trophy whitetail property to hunt every year. In fact, I wasn’t even introduced to deer hunting until I was in college and my buddy asked if I wanted to tag along one morning. That morning changed my life because I caught buck fever for the first time, and I wasn’t even the guy behind the bow.
Ever since that day I have been learning everything I can to stack the odds in my favor for killing giant mature bucks every year. I even earned my realtors license at one point and worked for Whitetail Properties Real Estate where I bought and sold deer hunting properties in Illinois. That experience buying and selling farms helped me learn a lot about big bucks, land, and management for deer.
Don’t mistake me for one of those hunting celebrities that has thousands of managed acres to hunt on. I started out as a broke college kid with no place to go hunting except on public land.
Over the course of several years i’ve been fortunate to gain permission to hunt on several private pieces of land. Eventually, I saved enough money to purchase my own hunting farm. Fast forward to today and I have bought and sold multiple small farms in a few different states. My personal farms are where I learned even more about land management and how to plan and implement a management strategy for killing big bucks.
No matter where you’re at in your hunting or land management journey, I can promise you one thing; You can do better than you are doing now to reach your hunting goals. I can say the same thing for myself. There is always something new to learn in order to improve our odds of success.